Polluted water not only exists in homes, but it is also found in industries throughout the nation (“Water is Essential for Life”). Whether it is run-off from contaminated land or mistreatment of sewage systems, they all have the possibility to enter our bodies. This results in water contamination in nearly every public facility one may enter. There is a common threat, though, that many people tend to forget when it comes to water pollution. This type of pollution can be indirectly harmful, with one never even touching a drop of water. This is titled as microbiological water pollution, and it has the potential to result in life-threatening diseases (“Water is Essential for Life”). In simpler terms, this occurs when a fish is contaminated in polluted water and then is prepared as a dish for someone to eat. Many diseases, such as polio and cholera, have been the direct result of these contaminated meals (Water is Essential for Life”). Several chemical pollutants are also present in the rapid deterioration of aquatic-life. Chemicals from industrial plants, pesticides from agriculture, and the breakdown of natural wastes all contribute to chemical water pollution. Whatever the pollutant may be, they all begin with humans and are detrimental to the life of anyone or anything that come in contact with the substance.
Fish have always been a vital part of our lives, and fishing is one of my most favorable hobbies. My family owns a cabin in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, and we travel there at least four times a year. Having never been very keen on the thought of hiking or exploring in nature, fishing has provided me with an alternative activity that I have grown to love. Fishing is a hobby that can be very competitive, yet relaxing at the same time. I spent several years acquiring the correct knowledge for fishing. Some may perceive it as a very easy sport to adhere to, but it comes with a lot of different techniques that one must learn. With the increasing amount of water pollutants in our environment, though, the numbers of fish in our waters are dwindling. This not only prohibits the amount of fish humans can attain, but it also interrupts several food chains. With an insufficient amount of fish that is needed, several other species have the possibility of slowly deteriorating if another food supply is not found. This process allows for the possibility of losing several business and career opportunities in our country. Not only will fishermen begin to lose their jobs, but also anyone whose business involves fish will begin to suffer. It may not seem apparent at first, but the severe threats of water pollution have the ability to weaken our economy if not handled properly. Humans must be aware that their own neglect for their environments may cause their lives to suffer.
Water pollution may never be fully preventable, but it has the potential to be lessened with several precautions from humans. Most importantly, new technology needs to be designed in order to assure that the water sent to homes is completely filtered. On several occasions, I have turned my faucet to find brown dirty water pouring out of my faucet. I am sure that this is not uncommon throughout the United States. Not everyone has the ability to achieve a home water-filtering system for every faucet, which should not be of their concern in the first place. In many cases, used water is accidently mixed into clean water resources. With new technology and closer inspections of our water-filtering plants, clean water is most certainly achievable. Not only will industries need to reassess their filtering-plants, but every individual will need to reconsider their everyday activities. Littering can result in the polluting of water, as well as harmful, unnecessary nutrients that are put into the land. Littering is not subject to the direct placing of trash into the environment, but it can also include the end result of normal routines. Grass clippings and pet wastes can be very destructive when they come in contact with any body of water. Also, the more trees and shrubs that are left on the earth will help prevent soil erosion from contaminating our waters (Krantz & Kifferstein). With several safety measures from the inhabitants of earth, our waters have the potential to become purified once again.
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the residents of Earth to take charge in the battle against water pollution. Awareness and education on the causes and effects of water pollution need to be readily available in order for one to fully comprehend the results of his/her actions (Krantz & Kifferstein). One may never discover a true preventative method for water pollution, but with increasing technology it can drastically be reduced. Fish are a constant food supply for not only humans, but also for other species on the food chain. Water pollution has the ability to wipe out several aquatic species, which would result in serious disaster among our society. Not only would there be a loss of an important food supply, but there would also be a loss in a professional and recreational sport. Fishing is quite common throughout the world, but without a sufficient number of fish in the waters, fishing will not be possible for entertainment. With a primary concern towards the health of our bodies of water, fishing and fish will not have to reach their end.
Works Cited:
Krantz, David and Brad Kifferstein. “Water Pollution and Society.” 2 November 2008, http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm>.
Water is Essential for Life. “Everyone is Against Water Pollution… but How does it Happen, and how can it be Prevented?” 2 November 2008,http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/5161/water1.htm
I also wrote on water pollution and I noticed we used a lot of the same information. You used your information very good. Great Job
I found this essay pretty informing. I knew that water pollution was real but I never really thought of it like this. I enjoy fishing and it would make me very unhappy if there were no fish to catch with my dad. I enjoyed the piece.
Water pollution is extremely important since it is a resource that every form of life needs. I enjoyed your take on the issue.
water pollution never came across my mind when thinking about pollution and this was the second or third post about water pollution i read and they have all made me realize how important the issue and have truly made me more aware, thank you
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